
Looking for privacy? We are raising the bar with our entry-level, no-dig wood fencing.

What we have done is taken away the possibility of your fence falling over due to post rot. We now drive galvanized metal posts 4' deep, providing you much more leverage against the wind. According to the American Galvanizers Association, galvanized steel posts last between 30 and 120 years. Don't worry; if you are still in the same house in 120 years and your post fails, we will replace it free of charge under our galvanized post lifetime warranty.

Worried about cost? At Bee Fencing, our metal posts have replaced wooden posts at no extra charge!
Don't like the look of metal posts? Don't worry! With our unique system, you'll never see them!

So say goodbye to rotting wooden posts and build peace of mind with us today!

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The "Bee Guarantee"

Every job that we do is backed by the "Bee Guarantee." Our fences comes with a lifetime vinyl warranty, lifetime aluminum warranty, and a lifetime metal post warranty. Making sure our clients have peace of mind after our job is done is one of our priorities. If you have any questions regarding our Bee Guarantee, would like to schedule an appointment for your fence or deck to be repaired, or a new one installed, call us today!